Failures, learnings, and final light (Cabinet Light Pt. 6)
This is, I hope, the last entry in the cabinet light saga. While it was fun to tinker with the programming of the first one, a number of issues arose that were annoying to deal with. With the learnings from the first "prototype", I created a second version that was easier to build & should be MUCH safer.
Which one looks safer to you?
So what happened with the prototype?
Electronics & dispersion (Cabinet Light Pt. 5)
It's time to start installing all of the electronics! I'm using the Arduino Metro here.
Finishing up the wood (Cabinet Light Pt. 4)
I need to put the power supply, control circuit, and wires somewhere! To have enough room, I decided to route out a little box at one end of the light, and then two wire channels down the length of the light.
Ouch! My Eyes! Arduino WS2812B Setup & RGBW Transformation (Cabinet Light Pt. 3)
Now that the enclosure is in a good-enough state, it's time to start trying to get the lights working!